Ted Gioia’s Advice about Honest Writing

Ted Gioia of The Honest Broker on writing advice he once received: "How do we tap into those hidden creative currents we feel inside, but struggle to express? The response of the writer-whose-name-I’ve-forgotten was something like this: You buy a blank journal, and keep it in a safe place. You don’t want ANYBODY to see … Continue reading Ted Gioia’s Advice about Honest Writing

What Should You Expect at Church? (Hint: It’s Not Flashy Technology)

Imagine moving to a new city and visiting a local church. What would you expect to find? Dr. Brad East writes about a curious answer he received after asking his class this question. Lights, said one student, by which he meant a staged performance: dimmers, reflectors, big screens, large production values. East goes on to … Continue reading What Should You Expect at Church? (Hint: It’s Not Flashy Technology)